Friday, August 15, 2014

Survivor Book Inspiration

My Life.... what do I celebrate with?
reading books...
Diagnosis? 2 cancers within 7 months? = wake up call.
What did I do next? (after family, friends, and medical plans?)
Read. (I was on bedrest for four weeks, didn't want to just watch the screen.)
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds - Kelly A. Turner, Ph. D. - inspiring, packed with fascinating research.

You Need Humour with a Tumour - Reflections on a journey with cancer - Annmarie James Thomas, Flye/Jeremy. - this book broke my heart.

Kicking Cancer in the Kitchen: The Girlfriends Cookbook and Guide to using Real Food to Fight Cancer by Annette Ramke and Kendall Scott - some delicious recipes, inspired stories as well.

The After Cancer Diet - How to life healthier than ever before by Suzanne Boothby - opened my eyes... activated my food/life changes...

Cancer Vixen: A True Story by Marisa Acocella Marchetto - absolutely loved this graphic novel about dealing with breast cancer/treatment.

Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr - working my way through this book now. Love the clips I've watched from The Oprah Show from Kris Carr, quite the inspiring survivor.

The Silver Lining: A Supportive and Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer by Hollye Jacobs RN MS MSW, Elizabeth Messina - Inspiring blog, such a positive person...

Reading soothes my soul.
I've quietly read these books when I'm a very public reader. Some weeks of the past year were very low on books read in my kidlit world because I was more focused on cancer recovery books...
I've changed my diet, lost a ridiculous amount of weight which worried me, and tried to deal with all the complications of operations and radiation by reading how others dealt... reassuring to not feel alone. Inspired other times by survival stories...

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