Visit with friends.
In person.
Through Skype.
Visit with family online and thru Skype.
Call people randomly and surprise them, take advantage of my time.
Read books.
Glance thru magazines.
Walk many many laps around this mini-circular floor- got done with 10 laps today, up from 4 yesterday.
Talk to my surgeon, oncologist, nurses, and physical therapist.
Practice inhaling and meditating.
Start feeling the stitches in my side beyond just the annoying drain.
Learn that the surgeon cut off pain medication without warning this evening... and discover that I really need that pain medication. (It is honestly simply extra strength tylenol. It kept the pain at bay pretty well though.) *And speak up for myself after getting a little upset that the pain was increasing-- not my fault that I hurt from stitches, a tube sticking into my side, and surgery affects and need medication- I know this. Received lighter prescription that helped. Will chat with surgeon in the morning about this lack of communication.
Become a little anxious about what is leaking out of me.
Monitor and breathe easier by the end of the night because there is much less than there was before.... which gives me hope that the drain will be removed soon.
Watch many many shows and a movie.
Then distract myself with many online articles, blogs, and posts about cancer.
Oh yeah, and sleep here and there. 5:30 am check on vitals every morning feels like a normal routine now, hah.
Still need to return to reading Radical Remission, it is inspiring and hopeful and has some practical ideas that I've already been able to start putting into practice.
So... trying to distract myself, stay positive, and get thru the day one little step at a time. Haven't been completely feeling happy or terrific all day but overall, I'm surviving and thriving, grateful for all family and friend support, it is keeping me going.
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