So, say at 40 your body goes to hell, I say, to hell in a handbasket.
Here's my journey from being a sickly one to struggling to rise above.
Often I've heard, "you're so brave..." my response is a respectful smile or thank you or combo of the two. But honestly, I don't think I'm all that. I just deal, try to stay positive, and hope to have a little fun along the way.
Having a doctor say "uh oh" isn't what you want to hear five months after a radical hysterectomy and more and a round of radiation treatment for cervical cancer, but my response of laughing saying "No, you can't find a lump and then choking up with a 'that's not funny' didn't calm me down or stop my doctor from finding a lump, very small mind you, but still cancerous in my right breast.
I'd say I'm ridiculously lucky.
I have a sweet healthy boy, a fantastic, patient husband, a wonderful supportive family, a job I'm passionate about.... loads that helps me pop up in the morning ready for another day.
Cancer? Pray for only radiation. Pray for it to be small. Please no lymph nodes. No chemo? I know I'm incredibly lucky.
What started this?
Good question.
Stress? Perhaps.
Poor diet or food that isn't healthy? Maybe.
Lack of sleep? Highly possible...
Luck? Not sure...
But I'm surviving with grit.
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