Saturday, August 8, 2015

Listening to Fatigue

Appreciated these 40 questions to quiet your mind.
Mind quieting is a good thing.
My mind is a busy one... needs quieting here and there.

Appreciated reading about another cancer patient who is also dealing with a "can't be cured" diagnosis and her fatigue. I'm working hard to listen to my body and understand when I need a break. Today we were at a street fair and I went thru that shakey/sweaty feeling where I knew I just needed to lie down. Can't lie down in the middle of the street... so we caught a bicycle cart ride (free, woohoo!) back to the street we parked on.  Was quite grateful that the street fair has that as a bonus. **It was darn hot out and I wasn't sure if I was just overheated vs fatigued... was simply listening and acting on what my body was asking for... Sad because I was hoping to get to a favorite bookstore and wander a bit more but I'm listening. My husband drove us home and I rested and felt better after a few hours.
Here's that blogger's post on fatigue:

So, I'm doing ok.
The tumor isn't the scary one that cannot be biopsied.  Still is a terrible cancer tumor and such but at least they can get a sample.
The doctor's office took a few too many days (in my opinion) to tell me the results of that urine test and schedule the biopsy. Taught me I need to be really assertive and call/email right away.
I'm going for that biopsy of my adrenal gland on Tuesday August 11th. Last year I had a biopsy of my lung on August 13th- our wedding anniversary... I'm grateful the 11th isn't a "big day". Enough of those. Huge operation 2 years ago on my birthday sucked. No more.

Getting thru the days. Enjoying time with family. Appreciating being able to simply drive over to my sister's home, parent's home, friend's homes and visiting... even Skyping when time zones are closer is a beautiful thing...

Saw my acupunturist on Friday, I love my time with her. A healthy presence and I feel like what she does helps... I also recently got my teeth cleaned and checked and I don't have to deal with a skin graft on my gum, I fully recovered from the problems I was dealing before. I also found out I was able to stay away from getting more cavities, hooray for determination and maintenance. I'm very careful with my teeth, always have been... I'm also trying a new nutritional supplement program to help my immune system out... so far my body is mostly tolerating it. Happy to be doing something proactive vs all reactive...

Thanks for journeying with me....
Thank you so much to all companies that funded free rides... was a relief to catch this!


  1. Thanks for sharing, Debbie. Very happy that you are surrounded by your loving family. Their presence alone must be very healing. Lots of love, Lenore

  2. Great job listening to your body Deb, good advise for everyone. Love that you have an acupuncturist and she is helping. Very exciting news about the immune system rebuild, your body knows best and will use the nutritional resources you provide wisely. Cheers to you. Love Andrea
