Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Being Patient and appreciating life...

Happy to see a little curve to my hair growing out.
Taking deep breaths and being patient. Yup. In the waiting zone again.
Here's to never having to deal
with urine collection again,
I hope.
Turned in a huge jug of urine yesterday to the lab at the hospital so they could make sure I don't have a tumor  in my adrenal gland that can't be biopsied... Waiting to find out results and be scheduled for the biopsy.
Collecting urine in a jug isn't the most pleasant experience. I could do without that for the rest of my life. Collecting it for 24 hours was a little annoying but it was quick and it is done. Wish all medical procedures and things could be done in 24 hours.
I am patiently trying to deal with insurance as well. Juggling between two companies as I switch Sept. 1st to my school district's insurance and stop paying out of pocket.
Feel like we've been bleeding money this past month but we expected it would be an expensive transition. Thank goodness we've been propped up by family and friends along the way.
Grateful to have a comfortable home. Know how lucky I am with this.
Grateful my husband is getting interviews. Let the right job reveal itself.
My poor sweetheart, heartbroken each time I
put this on but I know that it helps, especially at
Grateful my kiddo is healthy and dealing pretty well with this huge transition back to Oregon. Let him find good friends when school begins...
Very upset about our sweet Dulcie dog. She went to the vet the other day because we were concerned with how she was chewing on a new sore on her back right leg. Found out it was sarcoma... and a surgery wouldn't help. :( Damn cancer. Appreciating every minute we have with our sweetheart. She's such an incredibly beautiful good dog.

I'm excited about work.
She's finding comfortable places to
lie down in our home... Love how at
peace she is...
I'm hopeful.
Shall see how everything goes.
Feeling stronger.
Enjoying hair growing out- it is just starting to show that hint of a curl. Noone should have to lose their hair, especially twice. Feel like my identity is still with me but one of my main distinguishing features has been temporarily eliminated... Don't get me wrong, I love having hair again... just dreading finding out what "targeted therapy" treatment options my doctors will advise after the biopsy and such is complete.
Getting along.
Appreciating life.
Missing qigong so much.
Going to try going to a class on Monday next week, shall see.
Grateful to my friends and family for being the initiators of meet ups, etc... I'm not that busy but appreciate not being the only one reaching out to others...
Thanks for journeying with me. Appreciating the energy I have... and time I have this month to relax...

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