I sat and read thru this post:
I follow
What Next on Facebook and appreciate what they have to share. Interesting that they came up with 22 things to bring to chemo... I appreciated what was shared, realistic and honest.
So... what do I pack in my bag for my chemo appointments? Hmm.
1. I pack fresh squeezed juice to drink part way through the morning. Plus my glass water bottle.
2. Some snack foods, almonds and such, banana, and other things that might be good. The clinic provides hot water, so sometimes I bring my own tea bag and cup. Sometimes I bring along my tea that I drink every day which is tumeric, ginger, mint, and green tea combined...
3. My iPhone cord charger and iPhone are loaded with at least two audiobooks, mini-iPad loaded with a new Entertainment Weekly and Oprah magazine, and headphones.
4. A friend- I've had one appointment without a friend, it was a good day to not have a companion because all 8 seats in the clinic were filled with chemo patients and it wasn't fun. I put my audiobook on that day and rested. All other days I've been lucky to have a wonderful supportive friend with me. They are warned that sometimes I snooze but we've enjoyed quality chats and quiet times alike.
5. Magazines, books, and journal. I like writing notes when I'm meeting with my oncologist, I certainly cannot write during chemo treatment (chemo enters through my left hand due to tumors almost all being on the right side, I'm left-handed!) but if I take notes in my journal, it helps me remember what he said later if I'm alone.
6. My chemo clinic provides fleece blankets, pillows, electric blankets, and lazy boy chairs so I don't have to bring the first three along but I certainly wear long pants and a sweatshirt of some kind because I get the chills while I'm sitting there, especially with the initial drugs.
7. I have a special notebook filled with all my cancer (for this round) records which I don't usually bring to the clinic but if I have any concerns or questions, I certainly bring it along. #8 I certainly brought paperwork along as I need to once again clarify and question shortfall costs with insurance, no fun to call the insurance folk but I'm following thru.
8. I try to pick a phrase to repeat to myself when I'm not so thrilled with the drugs dripping into me... "This chemo is going where it needs to and is helping me heal." "I am here." "I can get through this..." I've shared about phrases before. Some people post positive affirmations around their home, I haven't done that but I do have some fixed in my mind. I also have meditation words if I need them and deep breathing practice to naturally use if needed from Qigong and yoga.
That's it for now of what I bring...
I also have a few random traditions- wearing earrings from my sister to keep me strong, a bracelet from a friend that makes me happy, a lovely healing necklace from a former student, and other things that make me smile when I have them on...
I hit 15,000 steps on my FitBit the other day. Then 10,000 the next day, guess which days those were? I love having energy. Yes, I'm resting and taking things easy too, sleeping in, napping, and such but it certainly feels lovely to actually have enough energy to get around a little vs. being stuck in the apartment... I do so love my snuggle time with my dog though! Some days of the week suck but I have little things to pick me up and look forward to almost every day of the week. It helped to schedule Qigong, Yoga, and Chanting- they help guide me through the week but also I'm following through on meeting up with wonderful people if they ask/offer (for the most part)... it is hard to always say "yes" and harder for me to take the initiative to make the plans for some reason even though I always was the organizer in the past. I know I have many people who are there and I haven't asked yet... they're wonderful too...
Presently, my heart hurts. Having to say goodbye to my best friend Sheli was difficult... having to say goodbye to my sister is devastating... two goodbyes in a row to my lifelines who were amazing pick-me-ups sharing laughs, special moments, and getting me thru hard days is just sad. I know there are down days. I'm surrounding myself with good friends and I know I'm not alone here but man goodbyes suck. My yoga instructor Friday asked me why I had such a busy mind during the yoga session. Didn't realize he could notice that. I certainly knew what was on my mind, thinking about chemo for the next day, thinking about goodbyes, wondering why I haven't heard from some people I expected were better communicators, and more... I appreciated that my instructor spoke up and I worked to focus and quiet my mind... not an easy thing to do sometimes.
Enjoyed this video - I've Got No Hair- amusing...
A while ago I shared "save your eyebrows" from "But Doctor I hate Pink" and now when Rachel visited, we worked on saving my eyebrows. My hair is growing in on my head a tiny bit... I can see the change... bald in some areas, wisps in others... whatever needs to happen...

Here's the link for the blog:
http://www.butdoctorihatepink.com/2014/08/save-your-brows-tip-for-chemo.html and video (below) from a blogger I appreciate - Anne from
But Doctor I Hate Pink- she shared how to save eyebrows, I copied her gratefully. Never know, might keep my brows and eyelashes, my oncologist thinks I will... I'm 2/3 of the way through chemo now... no fun but I'm getting my bottom to the chair each week and have decided that is success. My oncologist and I talked about when to get the PET scan (first week of December) and side effects. I told him I was concerned whether the chemo was doing what it needed to since I'm reacting without too many side effects in comparison to others, he said I'm doing remarkably well and that you don't need to have side effects in order to have success with chemotherapy. I like my oncologist, he tells it like it is. There's so many unknowns and frustrations I'm swimming in so I'm always grateful for a straight shooter...
Thanks for keeping up with me... day by day, I'm grateful...