Thursday, June 18, 2015

Yes, that is mandatory

Tried out new scarf tying style after watching
a video, I didn't mind it...
Today I told my oncologist that I believed that the PET scan that's happening in a little under two weeks was going to be clear. I love that he replied, "Absolutely, yes, that is mandatory." and then later after dealing with questions and wellness checks, he said "Now, I think we'll just focus on staying positive." Then he gave me the normal firm pat pat pat on my back. I really appreciate his attitude. I've been lucky to work with him.
My questions:
When will I have my PET scan? June 29th. When will I find out results? 4 days later.
Why in the world are my eyebrows coming out? It has been 5 weeks since the last chemo dose. His answer? This shouldn't continue. It isn't too out of the ordinary. (SIGH, have a feeling that the chemo meds will take a long long time to get out of my system, but on the positive side, hopefully they are helping me out while hanging out in my body!)
What can I do with pain medicine, can I just stop taking it? (I'd cut them in half for 3 days now, not feeling need to take as much as I had before... phew) The drugs are not addictive, you can just stop. (In the medication info it does say that it is addictive, so I'm glad I did it my way...)
Saying goodbye is hard. Staff goodbye...
Decided to wear a wig instead of being in yet another
hat/scarf mix... Holding back tears and sad...
but happy sad.
Job interviews and the unknown and decisions and packing and finishing work and goodbyes are... a little distracting, draining, worrisome. Repeating to myself, I will be well. Taking many long deep breaths. Things are working out. I'm doing ok.... BUT I'll be really grateful when there are less unknowns.
Now. I really appreciate how many people care about me. Today I got advice I appreciated, mostly. Hmm. Someone who mostly knows me and my ways told me that I needed to make sure I didn't overdo things in the fall because I'll still be healing for the next year. That I need to carefully make decisions about future work with that in mind. True.... but will see. Low stress is a goal. Happiness is a goal. Feeling fulfilled is a goal. Being inspired... is a goal. Shall see.
Going to be a few active days with wonderful people and wanted to give myself a little journaling time here now. Grateful to not see my oncologist as often. Expensive and important? Yes. Less feels healthier though. The nurses in the office were so kind and friendly. They're happy for me that I'm moving but acted quite reassured that I'd be back one more time... saying goodbye everywhere is... HARD.
Having fun with the students I am seeing.
Not having fun with cataloging at work, but that's just part of the job.
Enjoying time spent with colleagues though... especially my assistant.
Lucky me.
Thank you for journeying for me. Thank you for focusing on a clean scan. Really appreciate the support and positivity from my last post. Grateful grateful grateful.

Morning time... my most frequent combo-
bamboo/cotton hat with favorite scarf tied around.


  1. You are rocking that blue wig, wow! Love the mandatory command. Clear, clean, clear, clean . . . molto xx . . .

    1. Thank you. I do so love to wear blue! ;) Clean clean clean...

  2. Your positivity is absolutely contagious! And it's working its magic inside your body, too!!! CLEAR SCAN, YES! Looking forward to celebrating with you on Fri, July 3rd, when results are in! And excited for your fresh start back home. Sending positive thoughts, always. —Salina

    1. Clear scan. :) Appreciate the positive thoughts Salina! :) Thank you as always...

  3. Lots of positive mojo heading your way from your fans here in Portland, OR. We're excited you're coming home! XOXOX

    1. Awww... my fans... so many wonderful people we're returning home to... excited to come home! xoxox

  4. Positivity plus headed your way. Clean, Clear, Clean, Clear Love and hugs and doggy kisses from Xena

    1. Thank you! Hugs and love your way and snuggles Xena's way. Funny how time just zips by when you're snuggling with your dog, isn't it?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I think the "That is mandatory" should be everyone's new catch phrase. Perfecto.


    1. I like that as a catch phrase as well. :) I think the blue wig shows the true me better than any hat... :)
